Well friends, you picked a good blog to read, because I have an announcement to make!
Drum roll please....
We. Did. Yard work.
Oh! And we're having another baby. That too. π But I'll talk about that in another post. (Aka, newwww nursery!!!)
I'm honestly not sure which is more impressive -- the yard work or baby #2. π Life has felt crazy lately. Between getting everything ready for the grand opening of SUPPLY, and barfing more than I'd ever like to, thanks due to Baby #2, our yard got wayyyy out of control. Ferns everywhere. Tree bark everywhere. Weeds, and dirt, and chaos. See photos for proof. Even Penny was like "π". #sorryneighbors #dontworrywetookcareofit

Enter Toro to save the day. ππ½ I've partnered with Toro to show you their new Toro PowerPlexβ’ 40V Max* Lithium Ion Products -- and they're just as awesome as they sound.
T.J. was pummmped up about the new Brushless Blower. As you can see we have some really big trees on our street and he is the one to handle all 1.2 million leaves that fall from them come October. The blower worked great to clear away all of the bark, leaves and dirt.
I trimmed back all of our ferns because they'd just gotten too crazy, while T.J. used the String Trimmer to edge along all of our sidewalks. We'd never done this before, but it looks so nice afterwards!! What? Are we grown-ups or something!?!
The string trimmer also rotates from an edger to a trimmer, which was perfect for the madness happening in our garden and back lot.
It was really enjoyable working outside with T.J. on this project. π We listened to Good Old War, talked about future business ideas, and went through an entire bottle of bug spray. Poor T.J., he's just too sweet -- he get's eaten alive. Thanks for taking one for the team, babe!
We decided to mulch everything, even though it's late in the season for it, and it turned out so nice. I used the Brushless Blower to clean off the sidewalks, driveway and front porch when it was all done. My favorite part is clicking the battery into place. I feel so cool every time I do it. π
After several hard days of work, I made our front porch look happy again to celebrate a fresh yard and summertime flavors -- 14 grain bread with The Peach Truck's Jam and lime/mint ice water.
Ahhh.... no more weeds. Now I'm off to daydream about a nursery for Baby #2.